Stonefly26Im in states Groundbeetle15Ayy land of the free Groundbeetle15How's it going in the other side of the pond Stonefly26Yeah right i dont think so Stonefly26Land of the communists Stonefly26Ur in u.k.? Groundbeetle15The states? Groundbeetle15Aren't you guys famoously not that Stonefly26Was Stonefly26Thats history Stonefly26U guys are more free then us Groundbeetle15Pray tell how art thou being oppressed now Groundbeetle15Like wasn't this talkpoint at the centre of the election Groundbeetle15Welp Groundbeetle15Kinda calming just being here with the stars Rhubarb61I'm a girl Fern30Hi whats up LenaPornAddictLol Banana77hey guys Banana77anybody there fellas? Banana77its a dead gc ig ..! Banana77anyone back ? Banana77wtf.. Beetle38Hi Banana77hey Banana77damn thank god someones alive Banana77it was so fucking quite Banana77u from ? Stonefly26I have a bad case of diarreah 😬 Banana77whats that deal abt Stonefly26🍌 hey banana DlCK how the hell are ya Banana77all cool babe Stonefly26I have a bad case of diarrhea πŸ˜” Banana77so what r u upto ? Stonefly26Im takin a SHlT πŸ₯Ί Banana77damn peaceful for ya shiting amidst these stars huh? Stonefly26Yeah its out in space Stonefly26Banana lets cut to the chase Banana77yupp Stonefly26Lets see your dong Stonefly26Lets get it over with Banana77i see Banana77thats what u dying for huh. Stonefly26? Stonefly26Its to die for Stonefly26Meow Banana77like u live for dongs.. Banana77it seems Stonefly26A little bit Stonefly26Im a crazy girl Banana77and wdym when u dying for meow !!!!! Stonefly26Mera chut chus Banana77daamnnn Stonefly26I'd like to take a shit in your mouth Stonefly26πŸ₯± πŸ’© Stonefly26Ahhhh Thrips19Banana Thrips19Thats gross Banana77hilarious Banana77an indian lad stone fly Thrips19This conversation is arousing πŸ’¦ πŸ† Banana77nah it doest seem so thripd Banana77Come here big banana ill have sex with you 🀀 Thrips19Thats gay Thrips19Im not into guys Banana77yupp ... thats gayyy u ass Caterpillar69Hello Banana77hey Banana77hru cattterpillar Banana77Jhaat ke baal ! Im shaving my balls at the moment Caterpillar69Im fine Caterpillar69Umm... Caterpillar69Tmi Banana77? Caterpillar69Multi tasking must be your thing Banana77nah buddy this wasnt m e Caterpillar69Kinda gross Banana77somebody just texted ..... i mean Banana77wtf hacked bitch Cabbage86Hello Banana77hey cabbage,.. budbuddingdinghello saars budbuddingdingSaars fart on my face please πŸ₯Ί Guava63Texas Guava63Open minded Guava63Congrats Soursop36Anyone horny? Palm85Maybe Hornet63hola Apple31Hii Apple31from where Salmon40Hello Scorpion42hi Scorpion42everyones getting hacked right now, all your info is exposed on here Salmon40That's why services like this that required mobile phones re a risk Scorpion42where u from Salmon40EU Scorpion42what should i jerk off to Scorpion42USA Salmon40I think USA is the most common places. Gaur74hi Salmon40Just pray to God you stau calm and relaxed perwassup? Salmon40Trying to find something like Facebook that is NOT owned by jerks like Mark Zuckerberg. Salmon40Somwwhere to discuss politics without wisking being banned by artificial stupidity robots Leopard29Hey boys, F here. Hit me up if you wanna have fun Salmon40I have a BONER right now 😬 Salmon40Just pray to God you stau calm and relaxed Chinchilla4Hey Salmon40Hi Aphid55what on earth is this Salmon40You mean this page? Hemlock11hey there Chinchilla4Hi hemcock11 how are you Chinchilla4Hemlock* Aphid55Get your Boner away from us salmon! Salmon40What is a "boner"? I don't natively speak English Salmon40Whatever it is I donΓ€t have or use anything "sinful" Salmon40Nothing from cigarets nor alcohol nor narcotica. Salmon40It's the devil's inventions Salmon40You saw a German A it's proof I don't speak English natively. Salmon40General Rules These rules apply across all chat rooms and MUST be followed by everyone. No Illegal Content Do not upload, post, discuss, request or link to anything illegal under US or EU law. This includes: Child sexual abuse material in any form (including real, fictional, and any sexualized depictions of minors) Serious, credible threats of violence Doxing with the intent to harass or endanger individuals Animal cruelty or abuse No Spamming Salmon40Jag letar efter en svart man att fisa i mitt ansikte Porcupine50Hello ! Porcupine50I like the stars background Porcupine50This is a cool place Porcupine50How is everyone doing ? Salmon40How can more than one person share the same handle? Porcupine50I don't know, how ? Porcupine50forhive me I said something really stupid! I was just angry Salmon40All right, we all do wrong doings sometimes Porcupine50What did you write ? Salmon40But racism is rwally a crime Porcupine50I dont like racists Porcupine50It should be Porcupine50Where are you from salmon NiggerRacism is bad. Porcupine50Thats racist Salmon40Brb guys, i have to take a major shit πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’© Porcupine50Don't go! STAY! Salmon40OK Tarantula86What's going on in here ? Salmon40I was just looking for an excure to leave Tarantula86Too much information... Salmon40Someone is playing games with the mickname change function Porcupine50I want BBC nut milk please feed me your wank liquids Salmon40Sending rude messages with it Salmon40No one knows who says what Salmon40Sending Nudes messages i meant Salmon40There should be a cookie that saves the nickname information and that could not be changed Salmon40Heil hitler! Porcupine50Said Porcupine50 Salmon40Porcupine have you ever given someone a shitler mustache ? Porcupine50I don't know why you play with this nickname feature? Salmon40Its when you shit on someones lip while they sleep Porcupine50Certainly ot Salmon40Its the best Porcupine50Why are you so childish? Porcupine50Are you six years old? Salmon40They wake up furious sticking their hand out Porcupine50Do you even know who Hitler was? Porcupine50He was Twerk champion πŸ† Porcupine50 Porcupine50Read a bout it Porcupine50He could make his asscheeks clap Porcupine50Read there and try to understand Porcupine50Twerk is a dance form I think Porcupine50Has nothing to do with Hitler and his dictatorship Ant9This conversation is making my pussy wet Elephant25I was hoping for some intellectual chat here but here seems to be just trolls. Trolls trolling each others Marten72I was hoping for that as well Marten72Ig Marten72Ignore them Marten72Whats on your mind Elephant ? Elephant25Beastiality Orbweaver83what the Alaphant25ANT9 UR PARENTS ARE GONNA FIND UR CORPSE IN A DITCH WITH SPERMS IN UR LITTLE MOUTH Lobster36Lol Ant9Why !! πŸ₯Ί Ant9Dont threathen me with a good time Alaphant Beetle3What did i just walk into Beetle3Quite the intretesting read if you ask me Beetle3🍿🍿 Fir48Hi Fern26Hiii Fir48Penis ! Fir48GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY PENIS! Fir48... Ah you know your Judo well... Pear2Least obvious samefag Fir48This is Democracy Manifest Mosquito91:clownge: Mosquito91:clownge: Mosquito91:clownge: Mosquito91I got worms ! Cucumber88Hola Turtle82
Weevil11Lol ! Weevil11Thats a big Beaver ! Spider87Hi Spider87how are we Spider87I wanna make someone's pussy wet Spider87using my creamy cum Echidna72That sounds fun~ Radish87Hi Spider87Hey radish, are you a creamer or a squirter ? Lion27🀣 Blueberry45hi